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How Technology Can Ease Your Painful Quarantine

Well this sucks. Chances are, you're stuck at home right now. Do you remember what the sun looks like? Do those huge clouds in the sky look much more intimidating than before? The outdoors are certainly much scarier now, aren't they? Obviously that's all an exaggeration, but many people thrive on staying indoors. If you're an introvert, your life probably hasn't changed too much. If you're an extrovert who loves the outdoors, however, you may be feel like you're going a little crazy. Of course, we should remember that we are confined to our homes for good reason. It's best for everyone to stay home and prevent further COVID-19 cases. Only go out if you need to! So here are just some ways that technology can make your quarantine just a tad more bearable. 1. Netflix May as well start with the obvious one first. Worldwide, there are around 167 million Netflix subscribers, 4.6 million free trial users, and many more utilise the accounts of exis...

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